Drinks with rhubarb

Rhubarb is a delicious and versatile ingredient that can be used in many different dishes and drinks. Here we will take a closer look at how rhubarb can be used in drinks and give you inspiration to experiment with rhubarb in cocktails.

Rhubarb is popular in cocktails because of its unique sour taste, which balances perfectly with sweetness. It is also known for its characteristic deep red color, which gives drinks a beautiful appearance.

At first glance, rhubarb doesn't seem like a fruit with a lot of juice, but when cold-pressed in a juicer, you'll find that it contains a nice amount of juice that can be used to make a rhubarb syrup.

Another popular way to use rhubarb in drinks is by making a rhubarb shrub, which is pickled rhubarb with sugar and vinegar used as a flavor enhancer in drinks. This shrub can be mixed in a cocktail with gin and tonic water and add a unique taste and freshness to your drink.

Rhubarb can also be used in non-alcoholic drinks. A rhubarb juice with sparkling water and lime is an easy and refreshing drink, ideal for a hot summer day.

Are you looking for a new and different flavor to experiment with? So give rhubarb a try. It is a versatile ingredient that can be used in many different drinks. Especially in combination with tequila, it works really well and adds a unique sour but earthy taste. So try experimenting with rhubarb in your next tequila drink and experience a new world of taste experiences.

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